Wood Betony
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Chakra Colour: Indigo
Medicinal Uses: Wood Betony is used for its strengthening and toning properties, particularly for the nervous system and the head. Thus it is indicated for migraines, headache, nervous debility, anxiety and tension. It is astringent and useful for external application to bites, stings, minor wounds and bruises. Internally it stimulates the circulation and is said to be useful for head colds. It was also used for poor digestion and heartburn as well as women’s problems such as menopausal hot flashes etc. Children who for some reason fail to thrive, were also said to benefit from this herb. Betony is excellent for headaches of all sorts (tension and migraine alike), and beyond that have seen it to act in a decidedly restorative manner.
Magical Uses: Wood Betony is an herb of protection, especially against scary visions, nightmares and fantasies. It is also said to protect against snakes and is sometimes planted around the house for this purpose. It is also mentioned in connection with love magic, in particular to protect against the unwanted effects of love charms.
Other Names: Bishopwort, Lousewort, Purple Betony
Containdications: Do not use if you are pregnant or breast feeding, high blood pressure medication
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