
  • January 16, 2006












Primary Chakra: All chakras

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Cancer

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Assist the body to detox Aids with vitamin absorption

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Brings peace Aids in protection Brings love

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Aids in scrying Brings psychic dreams Aids in appreciation of nature

Silver also helps one to get in touch with their own emotions and intuition, by allowing the acknowledgment of one’s inner voice instead of repressing it. This cyrstal can help to attract money by sending intention into a small piece of it and a green candle, placing the crystal beneath it, and then burning the candle while visualizing greater prosperity coming into one’s life.
This crystal is a metal associated with psychism, love, peace and protection. It is often used for scrying, for psychic dreams, or to attract money. Many people reportedly use it as protection during travels. Some use this crystal under their pillow or as a necklace to promote psychic dreams. It acts as a “mirror to the soul”, allowing one to see deep within the self with absolutely no judgment. Use it in tandem with other crystals such as rose quartz. While it will remove and release negativity from a body or space, the rose quartz will fill the void with love and compassion. It is this type of balance that makes this crystal an amazing tool to use with other crystal pieces. Physically, it helps to detoxify the body and increase the absorption of vital minerals and vitamins.

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