British Traditional Way

  • July 16, 2006

British Traditional Way









Come and learn from Tracey Demaline!

Tracey Demaline is a Wiccan Priest practicing the “British Traditional Way”. Trained in both Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca, he uses traditional Witchcraft along with mythology, ritual and trance to help his students achieve greater awareness of their unique gifts, abilities and talents.

As a healer, teacher and priest, he believes that when you embark upon a magical journey and embrace the spirit within you, it will enrich all life around you, bring insight into your awareness, and enable you to heal yourself and others.

Being an avid ghost hunter and paranormal investigator, he believes all things in the paranormal and metaphysical realms are interconnected. His research includes history, mythology, folklore, religion, occult traditions, psychology, parapsychology, science, medicine, anthropology and archaeology
