
  • November 15, 2007


sageSage the most sought after herb by Pagans, Lightworkers, Wiccans and of course Native folk.  Also a very powerful medicine used in many herbal remedies. tinctures, teas, capsules, oils and salves have been created by these in the know for many realize the potenial healing qualities on both a spiritual and physical level! Most know it as a culinary herb, others have used it for centuries in an ancient ceremony called smudging!  Smudging is when you burn the herb to create a smoke, when burnt, the smoldering smoke offers various remedies for many physical, emotional, spiritual and mental imbalances.

Sage is held sacred by most Native American Indians, because of it’s purifying energies. It heals by bringing one back into balance and cleansesing the body, artemisia_californica2mind  and spirit of all negative energies allowing one to reset themselves, sorta speak. It can also be smoked sacred prayer pipe, when mixed with other herbs such as white clover, bear berry leaves and mullein etc, called Kinnikinik.

Sage is a traditional choice for burning and smudging by Native Americans & Medicine People. Use sage to relieve worries, chaos, bad luck, free your mind, clear negative thoughts, reduce anxiety and anger, de-stress your spirit, personal transitions. It is often used for to mark new beginnings and blessings, such as when we move to a new house, baptismals of a new baby and wedding ceremonies! Finally if we are letting go of someone who has passed over!

Smudging ~ A very  spiritual experience!

sagewhite9a_originalSmudging in ceremony, neutralizes energy and encourages all positive vibes within the circle. Using a shell or stone that has an indented surface we place the sage inside to burn! If needed, you can also add in cedar (healing) , sweet grass ( positive energy), tabacco, lavendar and many other if required! A smudging feather, is preferred however you can use your hand too! Wooden matches are first choice for sure however the flame from a candle is useful too!

The Smudging Ceremony

Placed the rolled, loose herbs into the vessel choosen (shell). sage loose

Burn the leaves until they begin to smolder, giving off clouds of smoke.

Fan the smoke with a feather or with your hand, never blow into the herb as it is said that the air within is impure and as this is like bathing one never elimates oneself into the medicine that is healing what is within!

Circulate the air, starting with your heart and working your way up to the head, visualize the smoke entering your body and spirit, pulling out the impurities. Continue this procedure all the way down the body, and back up again.

I always say this personal prayer as I do the smudging:

Heart, first as I center myself or others! Then I being, I smudge my crown so that my connection to Creator is clear and open, my eyes so that I see the messages meant for me or the situation at hand, my eyes so that hear the messages that will help the situation before me, my ears so that I hear the messages meant to guide me regarding my situation, my mouth so that I always speak the truth, my heart so that I always come from a loving place, down my body to my sacral area (tummy/uteral) so that it is clear and free of any addiction or attachments (such as sexual negativity), to my feet so that they know the good red road, and finally my back and behind me so that I always leave kindness where ever I’ve been!

Ask  Creator to assist you on your life path, ask for good, positive energy and spirits to guide you on your journey to wellness!

Offer the smoke to the 7 directions – North, South, East, West, Father Sky, Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. Request their assistance on your sage california salvia_apiana_journey and ask they will help to remove any and all negativity out our life. Cleansing your home, your family and friends, or even something that is causing you great pain such as a person (smudge their photo or a letter), finances (smudge the bills) or even an illness (smudge the medication). When doing a home: Always start in the eastern direction at the top of the house, open all the doors, drawers, cupboards, going in a clockwise direction push the smoke into all the cracks and crevices! As you are doing this say your prayers and be grateful!  Following the smudging, relax your mind and allow Creator to do as you requested

Medicinal Properties of Sage

Oil: It is said that sage oil and tonics may be helpful to improve brain function, memory such as alzhelmizers, and aids in the circulation through the coronary arteries.

Leaf Tea and Tonic: Helps to regulate menstrual cycles, reduces milk flow in the breast, underarm deodorant, gargle for a sore throat, antiseptic and astringent, healing of the scalp, calms the nerves, great for the skin when bathing, aids in healing burns, nausea, flatulence, liver ailments, kidney stones, gallstones, mouth and gums, antidepressant, and tonsillitis. Sage for sore throats, and can help to darkening gray hair. California-White-Sage-Bundle-Smudge-4-5 inches

Raw Sage Juice: Appied to warts, skin cancer, tumors. can be very beneficial.

Past to the present, Sage has been a natural way to heal so many aspects of the human condition. No matter the form of oil, teas, smoke or juiced, this medicinal medicine should be part of every herbal garden, every shelf of every pantry and in every first aid kit. A flavoring and functional medicine, Sage is the “Sage” of all herbs!

Earth & Sky Connection
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