Blessings to Lugh Ceremony
with Tamare White-Wolf
I’m born August 1st which is the actual date most celebrate this summer fire festival. Since I host this festival I decided to always have it early on the 3rd weekend from Wednesday to Monday annually, so I can go to KG for a week of birthday shenanigans!
I have endured life with many fires around me none of which ever hurt me or any people, often with little damage and a few times where devastation came to my world! I am grateful for my life and have many reasons to be honouring the fire gods n goddess’ during this HIGH FIRE FESTIVAL~
JOIN ME in this Lughnasdah Ceremony as it will help us all with love, sex, fertility, passionate expression and over all abundance! Lets get this party started with a sacred bonfire in respect for the gifts that fire and the fire god Lugh can bring!
Blessed be!
This will be at 11pm on Saturday at the Main Fire pit.