Basics for Energetic Surgery

  • July 15, 2014


Karla Ix Kawok has been practicing energy healing since 2000 with certificates in Reiki Master, Universal Energy, Pendulum Healing/Reading, Tarot Reading,Healing through Tarot and ceremonies/healing/cleanses through the Mayan calendar as Ajqij (time keeper). She also holds a Diploma in Massage Therapy, Osteopathy Manual Practice and Ayurvedic Medicine.

All this experience gave her the oportunity to discover her own power of healing through energetic surgery.


Basics for Energetic Surgery: This amazing technique is very useful to everyone especially healers, to get a better understanding of your client’s emotional, physical illnesses and weaknesses . Everyone is welcome, no previous experience is necessary but a little bit of knowledge in basic chakras helps. Come and discover your own power of healing!
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Join Karla on Sunday at 6:30 @Tent