Sept 1-6-15 Predictions

  • August 30, 2015

Sept‬ 1-6-15 Predictions

Sept‬ 1-6-15 Predictions
‪#‎LoveVibe‬-a whole lotta BS going on for many at the start of the week but ends on a great note with sunny days and liberated ‪#‎relations‬ n the wheels turn n offers up some ‪#‎positive‬ change n hints of refreshed or new ‪#‎love‬ sparks! Roll with it!
‪#‎HealthVibe‬-keep to yourself for abit until ur feeling back to ur energetic self! Looks like u will be struggling for results with ‪#‎headaches‬ n breathing issues, but success is on your side with healthy herbal support n good foods, like pineapple‬, lemon‬, ‪‎honey‬ n garlic‬! Rest n replenish yourself!
‪#‎BusinessVibe‬-Someone likely a }woman or ‪#‎gay‬ man, someone that has come and gone and come back around again, is hurting n considering another move or separation from the company! Be prepared n don’t worry they will likely return when the dust settles! Stand down!
‪#‎Psychic‬ ‪#‎Shaman‬ ‪#‎Spiritualist‬ ‪#‎OrdainedMinister‬ ‪#‎TamareWhiteWolf‬ & Other Internationally Respected Professional ‪#‎Visionaries‬ & ‪#‎Mediums‬
‪#‎Corporation‬ ‪#‎SmallBusiness‬ ‪#‎Events‬ ‪#‎SpecialOccasion‬ ‪#‎Parties‬
‪#‎Online‬ ‪#‎InPerson‬ ‪#‎Telephone‬ ‪#‎Email‬ #EarthAndSkyConnection
#Barrie #Toronto #GTA

sept 1 2015 love sept 2 2015 healthsept 1-2015 business