Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Chakra Colour: violet
Medicinal Uses: Sassafras is considered one of the best blood cleansing tonics. It acts diaphoretic and diuretic and gently stimulates and warms the entire system. It is used for many conditions that are believed to be caused by excessive cold – not just the common cold, coughs and bronchial complaints, but also rheumatism, urinary infections arthritis, gout, skin irritations, eczema, acne, ulcers, arthritic pain, and relieve intestinal gas. It is anti spasmodic and was used to treat cramps of the digestive and uterine systems. It was used to boost the immune system and ward off infectious diseases. Early colonists learnt its uses from the Native Americans – they applied the chewed leaves to fresh wounds and used the flowers as a fever tea. They also used it before and after a visit to the brothel – beforehand, to stimulate sexual appetite and afterwards to cure any possible ill effects. However, it seems that the ‘before’ use was more effective than the ‘after’ use.
Magical Uses: Sassafras is considered strongly protective and cleansing. It can be used as incense to ward off evil influences. As a tea it makes a good ritual tonic. It is frequently added to love charms and potions. Its warming, stimulating and aphrodisiac qualities make it very suitable for sex magic and tantric rituals. Native Americans also used to smoke the root bark.
Other Names: Saxifrax, Ague Tree, Kuntze Saloop, Cinnamon Wood
Contraindications: Do not use if you are pregnant or breast feeding, have an urinary condition or taking sedative/ antidepressants.
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