
  • November 25, 2015










Primary Chakra: Throat

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Imbalance Immune system Insomnia Metabolism

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Joy Freedom Happiness
Self esteem Self worth  

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Self trust Trust of others Guilt
Opening mind    

Hackmanite is known as the ‘stone of eternal belonging’. It is a stone which is said to remind us of how everything has its own time and place. It encourages its wearer to recognize that all things have belonging. This crystal is thought to be helpful for those who suffer from harassment, fear and apprehension. It is believed to stimulate audacity and strengthen self-esteem, while encouraging feelings of happiness, confidence and contentment.

It is sometimes referred to as the chameleon stone, and depending on the actual color state of the stone, it is thought to provide different metaphysical abilities and healing powers.

This crystal  can work in any area to clean and clear electromagnetic pollution/smog. It is wonderful healing tool. Physically it can help aid imbalance, support metabolism, strengthen the immune system and ease insomnia.

This crystal is fairly soft compared to most other gemstones, so it may require some special care. You can clean these stones using warm water and a mild soap or detergent if needed. Be sure to rinse well to remove any soapy reside. Do not use any harsh chemicals or cleaners and avoid extreme heat. Heating it can result in the permanent loss of its desirable tenebrescent effect.

Always remove it when participating in any strenuous physical activity, such as playing sports, doing household chores or exercising. When storing it, always store it separately and away from other gems and jewelry. If possible, it is best to wrap it in a soft cloth or place it inside a fabric-lined jewelry box.