
  • November 27, 2015



Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Chakra Colour: Indigo

Medicinal Uses: Eucalyptus is well known for its excellent cooling and relaxant properties, which are utilized to treat common coughs, cold and flu type symptoms. Eucalyptus is strongly anti-bacterial and is excellent for clearing congestion from the upper respiratory tract when added to a steam inhalation. Usually it is the essential oil that is used medicinally, but the herb may also be used. It can be brewed into a tea for bronchitis or for very deeply entrenched coughs the tincture is recommended. Gargling with Eucalyptus soothes a sore throat.

Magical Uses: Eucalyptus is excellent for purification of ritual tools and ceremonial spaces. It can be used in healing rituals to banish the demons of disease and to purify the sick room. Its pungent sweet cleansing scent clears all negative energies and purifies the atmosphere if added to an incense blend. Good for clearing the air after an argument.

Eucalyptus is bound to the Moon and Water.  It is used magically for protection, purification, and health.  Use leaves stuffed in sachets, pillows, and charms and carry or put in your bed to maintain good health, or anoint a sachet with Eucalyptus oil.  Place leaves in a mesh bag and hang under the faucet for purification rituals.  Place leaves around the house for health and protection from illness and unwanted energies.  Ring a blue or green candle with leaves or flowers for healing energies.  Cut a branch off a Eucalyptus tree and hang in a sickroom for the healing energy

Other Names: Fever Tree, Fieberbaumblatter, Gully Gum, Gully Gum Oil, Gum Tree, Huile Essentielle d’Eucalyptus, Red Gum, Stringy Bark Tree.

Contraindications:  Do not use if you are using diabetic medications.


To purchase this herb contact the Witchy Shoppe