Ruby Zoisite
Primary Chakra: Crown
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Aries
Issues and Ailments (Physical):
All things to do with blood | Constipation | Bones |
Nightmares | Ulcers | Wounds |
Issues and Ailments (Emotional):
Inspiration | Courage | Removes negativity |
Self-confidence | Stability | Trust |
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):
Strengthens etheric body | Abundance |
Ruby in Zoisite enhances psychic abilities, aids in the communication of spirit guides and, when placed on the Crown chakra, amplifies spirituality, engaging the body’s own energy field. It helps you to maintain your individuality while still being part of the world around you. It keeps you from over-reacting to difficult situations and prevents mood swings. This stone contains small Ruby crystals that have become embedded in Zoisite. It is a “marriage” of passion and patience. This stone transmutes negative energy into the positive. It is especially helpful during the grieving process, allowing you to release that pain and sorrow and gain spiritual comfort while getting on with your life and regaining that passion. It also enhances that passion into compassion for others who may be going through the same. Physically, it calms a racing heartbeat while maintaining the body’s equilibrium, especially during times of stress. It relieves inflammation and promotes strength in the immune system, heart, and lungs. This stone can help heal problems associated with the reproductive organs and increase fertility, both in men and women. It is most helpful after a miscarriage or hysterectomy. It is also beneficial in fighting bacterial infections.
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