Summer Savory
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Chakra Colour: Green
Medicinal Uses: Summer savory is often called the “bean herb” because of the excellent flavor it adds to legumes. Although it is largely a culinary herb, it contains oils and tannins that have mild astringent and antiseptic properties that can be useful in medicines. Summer Savory is the type most often used for medicinal purposes. Teas can be made for occasional colic, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, stomach upsets, mild sore throats, and as an expectorant. It is also sometimes used in a tea by diabetics to alleviate excessive thirst. Capsules can also be made from dried leaves for internal use.
Externally, rubbing a sprig of it on wasp or bee stings provides instant relief. Try using an Ointment made of it for minor rashes and skin irritations.
Magical Uses : It is used as an aphrodisiac herb, when it comes to sexual matters. Outside of the realm of magical healing, It can be encased in medicine pouches or juju bags and carried on one’s person to help relieve negativity or ease all sorts of physical ailments, while at the same time supposedly assisting with concentration and memory enhancement. With this in mind, it may be employed ritualistically as a cleansing, empowering,. – or mild banishing incense, although traditional corroboration does not support this application.
Other Names: Satureja Hortensis, Herbe de St. Julien, Garden Savory
Contraindications: Do not use if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
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