Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Chakra Colour: Orange
Medicinal Uses: Parsley is a highly nutritious plant and has ample vitamins and antioxidants which can greatly improve our health.
The health benefits of parsley include controlling cancer, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, along with helping prevent osteoporosis. Furthermore, it acts as a pain reliever with anti-inflammatory properties. It also provides relief from gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea, while helping to strengthen the immune system.
A tea made from the seeds and the leaves as well as the fresh juice is used for dropsy, jaundice, asthma, coughs and suppressed or difficult menstruation. The juice has also been used successfully to treat conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids.
Magical Uses: This herb is associated with lust, good luck, communicating with other planes, protection, purification, fertility, reincarnation, health, strength, vitality, divination, passion, meditation, rituals for the dead, and happiness.
It is used in purification baths by placing a mesh bag under the tap water and running the bath water over it. Use a small amount of dried herb as an incense with incantations related to physical well-being and happiness, and in rituals for the dead, including communication.
Make a tea of herb and call the powers of earth, or wear it in a charm or sachet to increase strength, health, protection, and vitality, and to evoke lust and passion.
Other Names: Devil’s Oatmeal, Percely, Persil, Petersilie, Petroselinum, Rock Parsley
Contraindications: Do not us if you are on diuretics, anticoagulant.
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