
  • January 27, 2016










Primary Chakra: Heart

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Healing wounds Heartburn Pain
Muscle spasm Remove toxins PMS

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Depression Compassion Stress

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Clearing the aura

The Dioptase is unequalled in helping in the healing of the deeply hurt heart. This stone nurtures that part of the self that has been emotionally abandoned whilst experiencing life’s heartaches. If held at the heart will cross the threshold of the heart’s protective shield and work upon dissolving the walls that have been built in the heart’s defence. It is the natural way for human beings to deal with hurt by hiding it and burying it as deeply as possible. The energy will enter into these inner sanctums where the suffering has been suppressed. It will send its healing rays into the forgotten feelings of betrayed abandonment, grief and sorrow. Then releasing its powerful healing energy it will activate the heart’s natural ability to heal. It will send great comfort to the heart that is afraid to love again. Used at the point of the third eye, it will bring insight and understanding to those whose guilt and false sense of responsibility have taken on the burden of trying to control the destiny of others.

This stone will renew love’s power to heal any wound, no matter how deep or scarred. It will bring to the fore the courage of the heart; purest essence of love that can be experienced and embraced on that level, that will heal emotional injuries and open the way to transmute that pain. After a healing session with this crystal the patient can learn how to transmute the pain into compassion and eternal peace.