Seer Tamare White-Wolf
Lion cubs awe.. So sweet when u r adoring them! Lion Medicine is all about being fierce n fearless, leadership n pride, comfort n enjoyment, relaxation n recharging, honour n loyalty, royalty n humility! It’s a great medicine to carry however not always easy to balance!
How many of you love a Leo, how many don’t get them, even deep down dislike them? How many respect n secretly wish they where more like a Leo? Often lion medicine will force you to really look at yourself, ( if you let it) to take a stand, to be all you can be without reservation! As well the big cat is very intuitive n uses their instincts to better their life, not a good idea to lie to a l-ion… They seldom tell you they know what your up to but will help u corner yourself into your own den, in order to teach you a lesson! Best not to mess with one with lion medicine as you don’t want to end up their dinner!
If your interested in finding out more about your personal Totem Animals contact Tamare White-Wolf at Earth and Sky Connection (Tamare White-Wolf) n book a Totem Reading where by you will learn about 9 of your spirit animal helpers! Awesome for those making or needing a change in the life path!
#TotemAnimal #EarthAndSkyConnection #TamareWhiteWolf #LionMedicine #Lion #SpiritAnimal #TotemReading