Ladies Love Mary Jane 420 Circle

Cannabis Advocate Charlene Freedom created and hosts this amazing 420 circle, up until now it has ONLY seen woman at it! This year Charlene welcomes MEN for the first time however ONLY on the Saturday session. Those men interested in carrying the tradition on please speak “nicely” to her afterwards.
Charlene’s 420 LLMJ sidekick Dani LaFontaine will hold 2 out of 5 sessions!
Join Charlene Freedom for Ladies Love Mary Jane to share a cannabis peace pipe ritual. Women have shared cannabis since ancient times, and many women report incredible changes when they begin to work with cannabis as a plant spirit. This ritual endeavors to honor the sacred magic and healing that cannabis offers to women, and provide a safe space for women to “come out of the cannabis closet.” We will be participating in 3 rounds of passing the pipe, called Odes, Bitch, and Boasts. You do not need to imbibe if you don’t wish to, but all are welcome to join in the circle.
Charlene will also be sharing with us how to make other cannabis products details to follow! These products can be used to alleviate symptoms of ailments ranging from eczema and psoriasis to pain stemming from arthritis and muscle aches.
Charlene & Dani will also be a part of our inclusive workshop All About Cannabis!
This will take place at 4:20pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the park.