Our Founder: Tamare White Wolf
Tamare White-Wolf is the founder of the beloved Earth and Sky Connection Shoppes. She is a Psychic, Ordained Minister, Esoteric Teacher, Shaman Spiritualist, Healer, Death Doula & Strega/Witch
“In 1989, I began integrating, practicing and sharing what I learned about Shamanic & Pagan traditions, the Medicine Way & the Mystical Lessons of Mary Magdalena, found in the Journey of the Tarot! I believe my destiny is to share this knowledge whenever called through Teaching, Healing, Art & Music!” ~ Tamare White-Wolf
Learn more about the teachings and services Tamare provides here
Her Story
Tamare is part Italian, English, Scottish & Ojibway born during the Leo’s Sun in 12th house, with a Scorpio Moon in 3rd house and Virgo Ascendant. Tamare created Earth and Sky Connection, a metaphysical shoppe which opened in 1997 in Barrie, Ontario. This beautiful shoppe is now owned and operated by a dear friend and former student of hers Andrea White Owl. Expect to continue booking in person sessions for Tamare or her son Skylar in this location as they return twice yearly for a weekend.
Her Family
Tamare has a beautiful mother who now lives with her and 2 loving sisters with full families in Ontario. Tamare has a spirited birth son, the love of her life. This young man, Skylar Pink, has been her right hand from a young age. He has been her biggest teacher, greatest love and source of joy. Many have called Tamare their “Spirit Mama.” There are too many to name here, but Tamare has supported each one over the years. J. Andrew Baker & Colin Crystal who Tamare and Skylar came to love deeply and completely, both became a part of the White-Wolf family, sons, a brothers and a fathers.
Tamare and her family recently moved to Nanaimo / Victoria British Columbia, where in July 2022 opened another beautiful Earth and Sky Connection in Nanaimo and one in Victoria Dec 2023. Tamare is a witchy crafter of sacred altar items and herbal blends which you will see when you visit the shoppe. You can book one of her sessions, take a workshop or purchase her items there or on her Online Shopping Cart.
Her Way of Life
Tamare White-Wolf follows one of the oldest’ religions’ (not really a religion, more of a lifestyle) of the world, Shamanism. It is still used in indigenous/ancient societies daily as it is the core of many modern traditions.
The Shaman’s Way has been an underground practice for thousands of years. There, it continued quietly in secret societies until the Age of Aquarius. The time of the New Paradigm. For Tamare and others like her, that time is now.