
Camphor – Psychic awareness, divination, dream interpretation
Cedar – growth, purification, fertility, connection to ancestors
Lavender – lift depression, aid anxiety, balance aura
Sage – Remove negativity, Purify, Heal
Hawthorn – Beltane, enchantment, friendship
Rosemary – Remembrance, loyalty, goddess Aphrodite
Tobacco – Guidance, Respect, Ancestors blessing
Sweetgrass – mother earth, strength, positivity
Basil – Obtaining wealth, dealing with grief, love
The Been There Done That Witch’s Bag is perfect for when you are running low on supplies for your next spell, ritual or blessing. Why wait for another moon cycle to do your spell?
Contact us to have them shipped to you!
Earth And Sky Connection honours The Medicine Wheel in the creation of the smudge sticks taking its ancient teachings with us as we harvest all the herbs from our gardens, or wildcraft them from the bush and handcraft the bundles for you.
In these packages we honour the four elements and the four directions.