Healing With Tinctures. Healing with tinctures is extremely beneficial. Tinctures are liquid extracts made from herbs and botanicals and alcohol. You can either consume a tincture orally or apply directly to the skin through a salve or lotion. Tinctures are easy and convenient to use. In fact, they have been used by people dating back to around … Continue Reading
Herkimer Diamond
Herkimer Diamond Primary Chakra: Throat Astrological Sign: Aries, Sagittarius Issues and Ailments (Physical): Bronchitis Chemotherapy Detoxifying Influenza Mental clarity Throat Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Anxiety Relaxation Repression Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Ancient wisdom Attunement Clairvoyance Clarity Communicating with animals Growth Guidance Psychic abilities Shielding Working with angels Working with Archangels Herkimer Diamonds … Continue Reading
Sex Majik
Sex Majik With Nanaura & Azryka In all sexual acts there is an immense amount of energy that is created. The purpose of sex majik is to harness that energy and direct it to a specific purpose instead of letting that energy float away and disperse. We will be talking about the use of Makia, … Continue Reading
Chamomile Gender: Masculine Planet: Sun Element: Water Chakra Colour: Violet Medicinal Uses: German chamomile is most often used in healing in the US, but Roman chamomile works as well. It relaxes the body and mind and promotes a good night’s sleep. It’s safe enough to use for children. … Continue Reading
Lemon Peel
Lemon Peel Gender: Feminine Planet: Moon Element: Water Chakra Colour: yellow Medicinal Uses: Lemon peel have antisepctic and antibacterial properties. Lemons are traditionally used to help the liver and kidneys. As an alkaline fruit, lemons can help calm digestive acid. Lemon juice is probably the best of all … Continue Reading
Oatstraw Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus Element: Earth Chakra Colour: Violet Medicinal Uses: Oat straw is highly nutritious for the nervous system and can be prepared as a tea for states of general debility and for nervous exhaustion. This herb is a good relaxing nervous system tonic and can be … Continue Reading
Jamaican Dogwood
Jamaican Dogwood Gender: Feminine Planet: Moon Element: Water Chakra Colour: Indigo Medicinal Uses: Jamaican Dogwood is considered analgesic and indicated in cases where there is intense pain, especially nervous pain. Thus it can be used for nervous headaches, migraines, neuralgia, toothache as well as menstrual cramps and ovarian … Continue Reading
Black Walnut Leaf
Black Walnut Leaf Gender: Masculine Planet: Sun Element: Fire Chakra Colour: Orange Medicinal Uses: Black Walnut Leaf is alterative, anodyne, astringent, blood tonic, detergent, emetic, laxative, pectoral and vermifuge. Especially useful in the treatment of skin diseases, black walnut is of the highest value in curing scrofulous diseases, … Continue Reading
Chiastolite Primary Chakra: Sacral Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Libra Issues and Ailments (Physical): Paralysis Gout Rheumatism Stroke Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Harmony Protection Creativity Chiastolite in the distant past was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. This is a stone of balance and harmony, … Continue Reading
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel Gender: Masculine Planet: Sun Element: Fire Charka Colour: Yellow Medicinal Uses: Witch Hazel is an excellent astringent herb. It can be used for all sorts of swellings, whether they are due to inflammation, e.g. as a gargle for tonsillitis and inflamed gums, or bruises, insect bites … Continue Reading